Server Informations

Server Informations
Exp Rate 1 to 100 level, 25x
101 to 150 level, 15x
151 to 200 level, 10x
201 to 300 level, 8x
301 to 400 level, 6x
401 to 500 level, 4x
501 to 600 level, 3x
601 to 2300 level, 2x
2301 to 9999 level, 1x
Skill Rate 1 to 60 skills, 40x
61 to 80 skills, 32x
81 to 100 skills, 24x
101 to 120 skills, 16x
121+ skills, 8x
Magic Rate 0 to 60 magic, 40x
61 to 80 magic, 32x
81 to 100 magic, 24x
101 to 110 magic, 16x
111 to 120 magic, 12x
121+ magic, 8x
Loot Rate 3x
Host Location BRAZIL
Bestiary multipler x2
Clients Version 13.12.
Free Bless Until level 100.
Party System 100% up to 7 Players, after that party will lose XP.
Commands | !serverinfo | !emote | !flask | !soft | !bless |!cast | !sellhouse | !buyhouse | !leavehouse | !carpet |